
IRCPack offers:
• training courses to deepen regulatory, analytical and technical aspects regarding food contact materials
• customized packages for both MOCA producers and food companies in our offices or in your company
• training courses concerning the organoleptic defect with possible panel training

IRCPack experts are ready to study customized packages according to your needs.

Custom packages for:
• MOCA producers
• Food companies


• General and specific regulation of food contact materials and objects

⋅ Regolamento 1935/04/CE
⋅ Field of application
⋅ Definitions
⋅ General requirements for MOCA
⋅ Labeling
⋅ Declarations of conformity
⋅ Traceability

• Groups of materials and objects governed by specific EU and Italian national measures

⋅ Regulation 10/2011/EC and subsequent updates regarding plastic materials and objects intended to come into contact with food products
⋅ Regulation 1895/05/CE on the restriction of the use of some epoxy derivatives in materials and objects intended to come into contact with food products
⋅ DM 21/03/1973: specific Italian national measures for paper and cardboard, regenerated cellulose, glass, stainless steel, plastic materials, rubbers, ceramics.


• Purpose of the course: define the criteria for selecting and training a panel for the evaluation of sensorial suitability of primary/secondary packaging intended for food packaging
• Panel training: with packaging in relation to the reference standards UNI 1230 and 10192 for the organoleptic evaluation according to Art. 3 of the Reg. 1935/2004/EC
The training includes a theoretical part and a practice, in which the methodologies will illustrated and consequently the exemplary sensory tests on samples with different sensory profiles will carried out
During the course the necessary standards for panel training will be provided

Possibility to carry out parallel tests at a distance of time between IRCPack and your company on the same samples, in order to evaluate a correct alignment of the panel.

Contact us to request a personalized quote.